Well into the 21st century, businesses worldwide are focusing more and more on managing risks, be they internal or external, financial, operational, strategic, involve technology or regulations, […]
At The IIA’s recent International Conference in London, I heard a colleague mention that he absolutely hated explaining internal auditing to non-auditors. “When I have to […]
Job growth for auditors is projected to outpace overall employment gains over the next decade, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. That makes internal […]
As part of my ongoing engagement in social media, I routinely monitor the media for references to stories involving “internal audit.” The past few weeks it […]
A few months ago, I wrote about Five Things the Audit Committee Won’t Tell Internal Auditors. Based upon feedback I received from around the world, it appears […]
Every few years, a game-changing event materializes that generates a significant impact on the internal audit profession. Take, for example, the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 […]
Internal auditors tend to be very good at most managerial tasks. We understand the importance of budgets and schedules, and we believe in developing clear policies […]
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